Heather Dawson
Caroline Hasler Caroline Hasler

Heather Dawson

“It’s basically a treasure hunt. You go out in the woods and your dog companion finds underground treasures for you.”

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Dani Buchheister
Caroline Hasler Caroline Hasler

Dani Buchheister

“When I was in the caves in February, I thought: ‘So few people have been where I am right now.’”

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Jessica Thompson
Caroline Hasler Caroline Hasler

Jessica Thompson

“Every day, when I go into the field, I get this feeling of: ‘Today’s going to be the day! We’re going to find something cool!’”

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Anela Akiona
Caroline Hasler Caroline Hasler

Anela Akiona

“It’s a cliché. You know how people say: ‘I always wanted to be a marine biologist!’ But I did.”

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Serra Hoagland
Caroline Hasler Caroline Hasler

Serra Hoagland

“Interacting with the owls never gets old. It’s so exciting every time I see them. “

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